What is Programming Language and How to Learn

How do we communicate...

Ever wondered how newborn lets you know if he/she is happy, hungry. or saw birds, bees, animals even plants.. everyone and everything communicates. Ever read a map or used GPS?? Do you speak one language or two or more? You can read and speak and write in them. Take, for instance, you speak fluent English but a person whom you want to communicate with speaks Hindi and understands no other language how would the situation go? A language is a tool that plays a vital role in human evolution. Now, let's move further to understand the topic in the discussion today.

Computer Language

Modern computers are rapidly developing there features be it there speed or resolutions or computing capacity which has increased drastically. In one click, you can calculate complex Matrix with accurate results. Rest be assured that these features will only increase in future. 

But but until the robots rise you are still the master of machines. The computer cannot do anything with themself. As there master, you have to give some intersection of information. 

Take for example, If I say add two numbers, then how you will do if I do not provide numbers. This is the same situation to computing you have to specify what task you want to do. This instruction is called a computer program (Computer application).The process of writing these instructions are called source code or just code. After writing you need to execute the code or simply say running the code.

 Machine Language

CPU is not able to understand your ENGLISH, GERMAN, or anything that you speak. Computers can only understand machine language or machine code. They are binary code normally we know this with 0 and 1 combinations.

24 = 11000(Binary) =18 (Hexadecimal)

DO NOT WORRY...We will discuss all this in future blogs.

We cannot understand this Machine language. This is the reason the Assembly language is inverted. In this, we use symbols, word, number, or say abbreviations to write source code. They are very small. 

High-Level Language

Bingo!!!  This is the main thing that you have to learn if you want to learn to program or if you want to simulate any small task. The model language like c, c++ is called high-level languages.


The compiler is also a kind of program that reads or understands the code and makes it easier for the computer to understand what task the computer has to perform.


Use of Programming Language  

We are living in 21th Century. Can you imagine your life without your mobile or your laptop? For a normal human, today digital activity is more than 6 hours in a day, and I am not talking about computer programmers or software developers.

Small activity for you (think about it)

  •        How much time are you spending on any kind of social media in a day? 
  •        How many videos you are watching daily (while travelling, eating or just to relax)?
  •        How many times do you open WhatsApp?

Comment your result just for fun. 

Game Development

you may be an expert game player or just a noob. Maybe pubg would interest you or just a simple game of ludo or chess. From basic games to advanced with superb graphics all these games are a result of programming

This is one of the most interesting fields of software development. Mainly C++, C #, and python are most popular in this field. 

Web Development

This is also an application of programming. Everyone knows what a website is. You are reading this is on the website. If you want to work in this field you can learn PHP, Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. JavaScript is really well known and most used in web development.

 these are just a few applications out of several of them.

 How to Learn

Just like Rome was not built in a day you cannot build one game in a day or you cannot make Facebook in just a night. Learning needs practices and focus. You can follow my blog, where I would put regular content on various topics. You can also take courses in edx, NPTEL. These are free platforms. If you are determined you will learn.

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Until next time

Bis bald (see you)


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